Sunday, February 18, 2007


Jackson talking:

Jackson and his Auntie Liz

Auntie Liz and her boyfriend Matt babysat Jackson this weekend. The three of them really hit it off!
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He's enamored with his Auntie Liz in the second one!
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Splish Splash!!

This soapy duck looks delicious.
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That tastes TERRIBLE!
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Wait, I might like it.
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My Angel

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How sweet is he!?!

The many faces of Jackson

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ANGRY: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"
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CONFUSED: "WHAT did you say!?"
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SHOCKED: "Oh, no you didn't!"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What now?

Jackson was playing on our bed and was getting bored so I gave him a burp rag to play with. In the first picture, I'm pretty sure he's saying
"Now what do I do with this?"
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And in the second picture he's looking at the rag and thinking
"THIS is not a toy."
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Our weekend

Jackson got to hang out with a couple other babies this weekend while his mommy and daddy were at a marriage retreat. This is him playing with MuiraBelle. She's 8 months old and crawls all over the place and loved to take away Jackson's toys!
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He wasn't quite sure what he thought of her.
Here's his Mommy and Daddy at an overlook on the retreat:
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Jackson's First Snow Day

This winter has been pathetic as far as snow is concerned! We finally got a few inches last night and it was VERY exciting! =) I was trying to drive home in it and saw SO many cars wrecked, stuck on curbs with wheels spinning, etc. It was crazy!
Here it is falling in our front yard last night:
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Here's Jackson's first time out in the snow today. We were gonna build a snowman because one of our friends gave us the coolest "build a snowman" kit, but it was SOOO cold that we decided to go back inside after a couple pics!
Here's Jackson and his Daddy:
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And here's Jackson with his Mommy:
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