Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lizzy is ENGAGED!!

My sister, Liz just got engaged a few weeks back to her boyfriend, Matt! YAY! We're all very excited. Alan and I actually knew Matt before Liz did because he was involved with Young Life at Radford University when Alan was the area director. We love Matt. We were super excietd when they started dating. I was even there when Lizzy came back to our house after the first date and I got to see the super awkward conversation that transpired as they tried to figure out how to say goodbye, whether or not they were going to go on another date, etc. It was awesome. But it all worked out and we're looking so forward to having Matt become an OFFICIAL member of the family. He's been an unofficial member for quite awhile.  CONGRATS, Liz and Matt!

RIGHT after they got back from him popping the question!
We MIGHT have known about it!
Telling the story of how the proposal happened..."and then Liz saw a shiny bottle..."
Hipster couple

Matt even makes Liz happy in the MUST be love. =)

Jackson is FOUR!

Oh, my Jackson Ryan Janney. You are so much fun. You talk more than anyone I've ever known. Well, your dad would say that you talk as much as I do. =) You tell jokes that make me laugh and some that make absolutely no sense at I laugh at those, too. You are a sweet older brother to Chase and give him hugs frequently and he adores you. You love to play with cars and line them all up for races. You also have acquired a collection of "bad guys" and "superheroes" and they are frequently engaging in intense battles. Your favorite movies are "The Cars Movie" and "Kung Fu Panda." You still say "kank you" instead of thank you and you still say "You got for to..." instead of "You forgot to." I love it when you mix those words up because other than that, you are an incredibly articulate little guy. You have quite the following on my Facebook page because I often record the funny things you say and people love to read about your antics. You are a snuggle bug. You hug me often and say sweet things like "You are the best mommy in the whole wide world and I love you to Gigi and Gpa's house and back." I could never get tired of hearing that. You also love attention and I often hear "Mommy! Look at THIS!" I do get tired of hearing that. ;-) You still love to "kung fu" fight your dad and you also love going on "night walks" with Dad. Sometimes you guys bring your flashlights and just explore, other times, Daddy wears a glove and ya'll bring a bag and do "trash walks" and clean up the neighborhood. Some nights you two will lay on a blanket and look at stars and airplanes going over head. Gigi told you that you both can see the same moon when you see the moon and you somehow translated that to mean that Gigi can HEAR you on the moon so you've gotten in the habit of yelling VERY loudly, "GIGI!!! Can you hear me!??!?!" when you see the moon. She didn't help the situation by talking to you on the cell phone one night while you were yelling at the moon and saying "Yes, I can hear you!!" =) You love to sing songs, hear stories, tell stories, and be read stories at bed time. You say the sweetest prayers that I'm convinced must make God smile. You are such a special, wonderful little boy and you bring joy to everyone who knows you, and everyone who meets you.

My smiley 4 year old!

Chase took off...

While we were at the beach, walking finally "clicked" for Chase. He went from being a walker who stumbled more often than he walked, to a walker who ran more often than he walked. It was so exciting to see him take off. I think the soft sand landing gave him courage along with the carpeted condo. He was used to falling on our hard wood floors at home which was not a pleasant landing place.
Here he is, taking off:

The rest of our beach trip...

Well, it's October. What better time to write my blog post from our beach vacation, right? =)
Here's a collage of pics with captions of the rest of our trip:

The next few pics are from Broadway on the Beach. Alan's mom stayed home with Chase that night. We didn't just choose to exclude them from all the pictures. 
Getting ready to play Putt-putt.
Deep in concentration.
The Fire Breathing Dragon came out...
Jackson hiding from the fire breathing dragon...
And running away from the dragon as the fire comes out. 
Father and son.
Love this boy.
Megan, Jackson, and I.
Alan and Jackson.
Jackson riding his motorcycle.

In front of the aquarium.

"I LOVE THE BEACH!" (he said it with his eyes).

Jackson playing in the founatins at night.


My boys in action.

Love watching them play together. Total bff.

Lazy river...

Megan enjoying the lazy river with out children.

The way the lazy river looks with kids...

Snuggle bugs.

Alan and Chase walking the lazy river.

Megan and Jackson in the pool.

Family picture time.

 The whole Janney family on our 4th annual beach vacation. =)\

Papa and Nana with their grandkids.

The Beach!

Definitely siblings. =)
Jackson playing in the fountain.