Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lizzy's Graduation...

God blessed me with three younger sisters.

Our mom is also one of the girls, of course.
Dad does a great job of putting up with us...
but was pretty glad when the grandsons and son-in-laws started joining the ranks of our family. Now he has people to watch sporting events with and to talk about non-girly topics with.
As a matter of fact, the boys now outnumber the girls in our family because of the husbands, boyfriends, and the baby boys. Who'd have thought it!?

From Summer 2010
My dad with Jackson, Chase, and Luke. 

 My sister, Liz recently graduated from Virginia Tech with her degree in Horticulture and we were all on hand to celebrate with her!
My adorable nephew Luke and my mom before Liz's ceremony.
Liz and Jackson post graduation ceremony- she DID it! 
Liz graduated in four years with a very high GPA and worked her little booty off. We're incredibly proud of her and her achievements and look forward to seeing the fabulous things that she'll do. 

We continued with a weekend of typical Blecksmith family shenanigans. =)
 Lots of laughing on my porch. 
Little bit of this. 
Tutorial on the show Glee followed by a Glee spree.
I love family time.


piersonam said...

that was a fun weekend!!! i wish we could all get together every month. maybe you and i should have walked for OUR graduations so that it would have forced everyone to come!

Melissa said...

So sweet! Don't you just love having sisters? Love that pic of your dad w/ the boys!