Sunday, April 5, 2009

January and Edward...

I don't have many pictures from January! It's not my favorite month to be honest. I'm a winter hater and January means that the holidays are over and there is just nothing much left to look forward to til spring. I'm totally one of those people who could live in SoCal or Florida and wouldn't miss the changing seasons much at all. Warm weather just makes my heart happy. Okay, enough of my anti-winter tangent. =)
Last fall we got a kitten. His name was Edward (yes, he has golden eyes and yes his namesake is a character in a book I won't mention). He was ADORABLE and very sweet and affectionate. Jackson was regularly putting Edward in time out for not playing with him and trying to ride him like a horse but Edward never so much as lifted a paw at him. Jackson and Edward would also snuggle on the couch a lot. Jackson loved having Edward in his lap and would pet him for a long time. We decided to give Edward away last month because Alan was tired of having to take care of him (no kitty litter boxes allowed when you are pregnant) and because we have a newborn who will be on the ground a lot and as sweet as Edward was we didn't want to worry about him and the new baby. Plus we are just very busy people and aren't home very much so Edward didn't get as much attention as I'm sure he wanted. We gave him away to a couple who had two cats and were looking for a third. Each of their cats had its own monogrammed cat traveling carrier, a monthly health plan (there's a chance these cats have better health care coverage than I do!), and slept with the their bed every night. Jackson still asks about Edward sometimes but he understands that Edward wanted to go live with other kitty cats and is adjusting well. I loved having a pet and I know when the timing is better someday we'll get a dog or cat again
Here is Jackson yelling at Edward that he has to go to time out if he doesn't "COME HERE!"
From Fall of 08- Spring 09

And here they are snuggling after Edward decided to be obedient.
From Fall of 08- Spring 09

My sister, Liz goes to college about 35 minutes from us and comes to stay with us fairly regularly. Here are Jackson and Liz during one of those weekends.
From Untitled Album

And here is one of Gigi and Jackson. She was also visiting that weekend
From Untitled Album

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